About The Poetry of Well Being Project

How to Submit

We would love to receive poems from you for possible inclusion in The Poetry of Well Being!  If your poem is selected, you will be credited in the anthology, and your 200-word or less description may be included, as well.  Please see the submission guidelines for specifics on the type of poetry we'll be including in the book.  Here's what to do:

1.  Select a poem or poems to nominate for inclusion. 

2.  Optional.  Add your 200-word or less description of why you are nominating this poem.  This may be used in the anthology.

3.  In the case of multiple submittals of the same poem, the first person to submit it will be credited.  For this reason, submitting more than one poem is not a bad idea, reducing the likelihood of someone having already submitted one of your poems.

4.  Send to jan.b.stanley@gmail.com.